Saturday, January 21, 2012

"Almost Perfect" by Julie Ortolon

This is the first of a trilogy about three friends who met during their college years. It begins with their attending the book signing of another former classmate of their's whom they have fallen out of touch with. After buying her new book and beginning to skim the content, they realize that the book is about all three of them and all of their shortcomings. At first they are very angry about this, then start to admit that what she wrote about them was correct, and they make a wager to do something to conquer their fears.

After that, this book focuses on one of the three women and her part of the bet. She is to accept the offer of a summer job by the mother of her former boyfriend from high school, and try to get her artwork accepted by a gallery in Santa Fe.

I love the basic storyline and the characters, I just had trouble with some of the stupid reasons each of the two main characters would fight. I just felt like some of the hang-ups they had were pretty dumb, especially those of the ex-boyfriend. If you can look past that, though, then it turned out to be a really good story.

The end of the book has an epilogue that leads into the following two books, which I have yet to read, but I certainly will, since I would like to know what the other two ladies in the group are going to do to keep their parts of the bet.