Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Nerd who Loved Me, by Vicki Lewis Thompson

This is the first book I have read by this author. I will definitely be reading more of them!

"The Nerd who Loved Me" is about a showgirl, Lainie, who had a four-year-old child out of wedlock, who had left her hometown in New Jersey to get away from her abusive ex-boyfriend, who was the father of her child.

She ended up working in a casino in Las Vegas. The accountant at the casino, Harry, was secretly attracted to her, and agreed to babysit her son, Dexter, to help her out at work, since her regular babysitter was ill. It is fortunate that he was there at the time, because the child's father shows up unexpectedly, drunk and banging on the door, which begins an exciting adventure.

Harry ends up crawling out the second-floor window of Lainie's apartment, while carrying Dexter on his back, to get them away from the ex-boyfriend before he broke the front door down. After that, he brings her son to the casino to tell her what has happened, and he offers to help her out. He first brings her and Dexter to his mother's house, which turns out to be a great idea. Harry's mother is a retired showgirl who wants to be a grandma, so she just adores Lainie and Dexter. She and her boyfriend devize a plan to help her hide from her ex-boyfriend, while playing match-makers for Harry and Lainie.

The two end up hiding out in a timeshare Harry's mother wanted them to check out, while Harry's mom took care of Dexter. Of course the unlikely pair fall in love, but not without having to overcome some obvious obstacles.

Except for the love scenes, which are quite descriptive I might add, it is non-stop action from beginning to end of this book. Just when you start to relax, it starts all over again. It kind of reminds me of that movie "Knight and Day" with Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz.

Harry is very hot as the unlikely hero, protecting Lainie from harm, and is very sexy during the love scenes as well. Yet he is very patient and understanding with Lainie on her shortcomings.  I give this book 5 stars!

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